
When I was Six my parents, my brother and me went to Europe. We first went to Rome ( Roma In Italian) and met my grandparents. My brother who was 11 was really tired after the long plane ride, so we hung out at our hotel for the day. We also went to Venice on that trip it was just me, my mom, my dad and my brother. When we got to the airport there we went outside because we had to catch a water taxi to get to our hotel. My favorite place I visited was Paris. Our hotel we were staying at you could see the Eiffel tower from. Last year we went to Europe again but just stayed in Spain. my favorite place we went to in Spain was Madrid. It was my favorite because I had my birthday well I was there.

2 thoughts on “Traveling

  1. Hi, Lila
    You are really lucky to go on a big trip like that. when you were in Paris did the Eiffel tower light up at night? What is a water taxi? What is Madrid like? I’ve heard it is really nice.

    • Hi Ashley,
      The Eiffel tower did light up at night. You could see it from the apartment we were staying at. A water taxi is like a regular taxi just it is a boat because almost all of Venice is water. Madrid is beautiful. They have a lot of culture that you can feel just being in the city. It is a very interesting place.

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